Friday, July 10, 2009

Lost-A Boy!

Not kidnapped by bandits and hidden in a cave to weep and starve and raise a nation to frenzied searching. Were that the case, one hundred thousand men would rise to the rescue, if need be. Unfortunately the losing of this lad is without dramatic excitement, though very sad and very real.
The fact is his father lost him. Being too busy to sit with him at the fireside and answer his trivial questions during the years when fathers are the only great heros of the boys, he let go his hold.
And his mother lost him. Being so much occupied with teas, dinners, and club programmes, she let the maid hear the boy say his prayers, and thus her gripp slipped and the boy was lost to his home.
Aye, the Church lost him. Being so occupied with sermons for the wise and elderly who pay the bills, and having good care for dignity, the ministers and elders were unmindful of the human feelings of the boy in the pew, and made no provision in sermon or song or personal contact for his boyishness. And, so the Church and many sad-hearted parents are looking earnestly for the lost boy.

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