Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Baltimore Woods

This past Saturday David and his brothers took me for a lovely hike in these woods. We had so much fun!

The path.

My boy and I:)

Kevin and his "walking stick".

Two of my "other" brothers. :)

There was a beautiful flower garden at
the beginnig of the woods.

Blacked Eyed Susans
Bee Balm

It was a great afternoon and I hope to do it again someday.......:) Thanks guys!


  1. Awww, looks like you all had fun. I like the picture of Kevin and his walking stick. Kind of intimidating ;-) Can't wait to spend the day with you all on Saturday!


  2. Maybe I can get something similar to use for a paddle of Saturday, what do you think. If I have the time I am considering going for a bike ride there tomorrow. I am looking forward to Saturday.
