Sunday, June 14, 2009

Proverbs 31:10

" Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."

There are becoming fewer and fewer virtuous women in this country and in the world. Young women don't care any more about being chaste, modest, pure, discrete, etc. It is my desire to be the opposite of these young women and to be what God wants me to be-virtuous. For her price is far above rubies. Think about that for a minute. Young women of virtue are more valuable than a precious stone? Wow!! I want to be called virtuous. Will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Stephanie! Welcome to the blog world!

    As someone who has been to college, I can attest to the sad truth of that first statement. It is true of men too (men no longer care to hold to any morals; many are lazy and do not work). At college, it was pretty bad. Immorality was everywhere and the young people there laughed about it like it was a joke! Men and women (especially young people) who seek to live their lives by the Bible are few and far between. That is why Proverbs 31:10 is so true!
