Monday, June 15, 2009

Christ Must Be Center

This is taken from a small book called "Secrets of Happy Home Life", written by J. R. Miller in the late nineteenth century. I have been challenged by his words and hope, if the Lord wills, to establish a home such as this with someone who has Christ as the center of his life.

"What are some of the secrets of happy home life? The answer might be given in one word-Christ. Christ at the marriage altar; Christ on the bridal journey; Christ when the new home is set up; Christ when the baby is born; Christ when a child dies; Christ in the pinching times; Christ in the times of plenty; Christ in the nursery, in the kitchen, in the parlor; Christ in the toil and in the rest; Christ along all the years; Christ when the wedded pair walk toward the sunset gates; Christ the sad hour when farewells are spoken and one goes before and the other stays, bearing the unshared grief. Christ is the secret of happy home life."


  1. That is a beautiful quote Stephanie. And I pray that will be my focus and vision as well. All for Christ!

    I love you, sister in Christ!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. If more couples had this vision for their marriage, the divorce rate in our country wouldn't be nearly as high as it is today. Thank you for sharing this lovely quote. May we apply it to every area of our lives!

    Love in Christ,
