Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Her Dominion

A couple weeks ago I started this book. A dear sister in Christ recommended it to me. I have been truly blessed and inspired by it. Here is an excert I read last night that really "wowed" me:

"The mother is the hub of the home, holding all the spokes in place. Without her being at the post, the family spins out of control and falls apart. When her husband hears the predawn alarm clock, she knows he's emotionally emboldened by her tenderly squeezing his arm in appreciation.

From then on, she's the nucleus of the day's family activity. She needs to nurse feed one, rouse out of bed another, review a spelling list with yet another, change a diaper, prepare a breakfast, pray God's blessing on the day, tie shoes, write out a check for a class trip, pack a lunch, check on progress regarding an upcoming book report, read and comment on a verse from Proverbs, discuss a peer conflict while chauffeuring to school, pick up Dad's suit at the dry cleaners, shop for groceries and household items at the store, sign up for soccer at the Recreational Department, read a story before putting one down for a nap, teach one phonics sounds and letters, make beds and clean up the kitchen, show how to sweep properly, search the internet for good pictures of frogs, deal with a lying problem by spanking, talking, and praying, and prepare lunch.

That's just the morning.

Then in the afternoon, she's called to teach lyrics of a song about a pirate named Patch, take a field trip to the park down the street, talk about sharing apple slices with others, explain to her child why he's not permitted to throw tantrums like the others in the park, catch and analyze a grasshopper's physiological structure and functions, return home for a naptime preceded by a storybook, sit down for personal devotions and prayer, call an appliance repairman about a strange sounding washing machine, drive to school and talk with a teacher about a child's performance in math class, talk about the day on the drive home, purchase a well-fitting pair of soccer cleats, assign and supervise the weeding of the flower garden, give out popsicles to the handful of neighborhood children playing in the yard, prepare dinner, embrace her husband and briefly share mutal experiences of the day, enjoy a nutritional supper and discussion together as a family, sit and listen to her husband lead in family worship, direct the clean-up after dinner, help with math homework, bake a batch of sweet-smelling chocolate chip cookies, wash bodies in the bathtub while singing about a pirate and a Savior, rock a little one in a chair, rub a back in bed while giving advice about an argument that took place during recess, pay bills on the internet, wash, fold, and iron shirts, counsel her husband about a relational conflict at work, and enjoy her husband rubbing her arm in bed.

With this, I've just skimmed the surface of her day. Remove the hub of her tireless labors, and her family flies apart, her husband is a frazzled wreck, and her childrenare greatly diminshed individuals." ~Mark Chanski~

This is a woman's dominion! God has called her to rule over her home and children. What a privilege!! Why don't woman see this?!?!?

"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and praiseth her." ~Proverbs 31:27-28~


  1. That wowed me too! Thank you for sharing that! I wish that more women could see the enormous impact they can make on society if they took charge of their dominion. What an excellent reminder to learn and prepare to take up this God-given responsibility and priviledge.

    Love in Christ

    ps. I want to read that when you're done with it =)

  2. You're welcome, Lydia. Yes, I wish more women would see that, too. (There's already a wait for the book...but as soon as it's available, I will pass it on...:))

