Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Day at the Lake

Yesterday, Daddy, Mother, Alexandre and I spent a lovely afternoon at Glimmerglass State Park. It was the most beautiful day to go. We all had such a relaxing time. What a perfect way to end the summer. In January, while the snow is blowing and the temperature is below zero(!!), I will remember this day!

The lake was so pretty. It sparkled and glittered. It brought to mind "The Laking of

Shining Waters", like any Anne of Green Gables fan would do!!

This is my favorite!

This is Mother backing the truck, with the canoe, down to the boat launch. I thought she was doing a pretty good job of it!!

The peanut gallery watching as Mother backs the truck up. You can only imagine what they are thinking!!

What is a day at Glimmerglass without the bikes?!?!? To any of you, who go regulary to the park and are able to bring your bikes, I would highly recomend that you do this. It is sooooo much fun to bike here!

Alexandre and I canoeing towards the lake. (He needs some practice!) And to those of you who are wondering if we tipped it (you know who you are!!), we did NOT!!

My dear mother and I. I love the shades!! Don't we look, well.......beachy!!

Swings!! YAY!! The sign on the playground stated that it was designed for 5-12 year olds. Bummer........

......but we couldn't resist!! I look 12, right!?!?

Look at those legs!! They look like two q-tips shooting into the sky!

Biking! This was about the only time this kid was behind me. He may not be able to canoe but he sure can ride a bike!

Isn't that neat?!?!? We are not very far from the oldest covered bridge in the U.S. Woohoo!

It's so much fun to walk through, or would you say on, or would you say under?

Bare piggies!! I love this part of summer! Warm sand in between my toes. Don't get that sensation in January.

The water was a bit chilly, but once you got in it was quite refreshing. I had a hard time getting out!

Well, that is it until next summer. I'm so gald we were able to do this. A day at the lake is such a wonderful way to enjoy God's creation. I thank Him and praise Him for giving us such a glorious day. :)


  1. Your favorite is absolutely amazing you should enter it in a photo contest.

  2. Lovely photos Stephanie! Yesterday was indeed a glorious day! I'm glad you had such a enjoyable time at the lake.
    Love you!
