Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Faithful Wife

I happened upon this poem while browsing through a book of poetry compiled in the late 19th Century. It's an inspiration to me, and also something that we do not see much of anymore in our day and age. Enjoy!

"In youth I saw but a maiden fair; and finding beauty I sought no more,
But loved and wedded as youth will dare, and little knew of the prize I bore.
Proud was I 'midst my fellow men, dear to me was my young wife then.

But as life advanced and cares came thick-on every side came pressing round,
Till my wearied heart grew faint and sick-ever her at my side I found,
With words of counsel wise and free; dearer still was she then to me.

Her hair is gray, and her sweet blue eyes, though loving still are no longer bright;
And I list not now for her thoughts so wise; but for stronger ties our hearts unite.
Dear through life has she ever been: dearest now at its close serene."

~Author Unknown~

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