Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Blessed!!

I realize that it has been a while since I have posted anything. The holidays can certainly cause one to neglect other things. I have decided to post what has been on my mind lately....actually for a very LONG time!!

To those of you who know me know that it is not a "what" that has been on mind but rather a "who" that has been on mind for a long time! I am blessed indeed in the relationship that I have with David. I just want to take a few minutes to express just a few things that I love about him.

I love that he would rather talk to me for an hour and a half on the phone than watch a footabll game on television.....even when he's been looking forward to it all day!!

I love that he would drop anything to talk with me when I am going through a hard time and just need to talk....even when I can't talk beacuse I'm all choked up.

I love that he wants me to tell him if anything he does bothers or annoys me, and is not offended when I do.

I love that he is willing to just listen to me go on and on about things.......even when they are "girly" things that he doesn't quite understand but wants to!!

Last, but not least, I love him for the faith he has in our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus. We have acknowledged so many times to each other that it is only by His grace that we are who we are. It is only by His love and grace that we have been able to go this far in our relationship, and Lord willing, go farther.
Pastor Byerly once asked me, "You're in love, aren't you?". My response was, "Oh, yes, and it's wonderful!!". The Lord has truly blessed me with this young man. His heart is worth more than all the riches in this world. I love you, David!!